Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars, Season 12 – Week 8 Performances

Bruno says she’s sexy, but her frame is a mess.  Carrie Ann loved it, because she is drunk right now.  Donnie says she did a good job with tricky choreography.  Len agrees, but thinks she could be more crisp.  Why do they love her so much?  Is she dying and they’re just trying to make her happy in her last hours?  This was not a good dance on her part.  She gets a 31, and I’m not buying it.

Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy (60/80) – Shirley Ballas comes to visit them.  Shirley is really intense, especially when you think about how easygoing Corky is.  Maks is pretty hilarious, pointing out that Shirley is saying what he’s been telling her all along.  He’s kind of stern in rehearsal, but he’s doing it with a smile on his face.  After a while, though, Kirstie starts to cry.  Maks is very comforting, but he still busts her chops a little.

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  1. The second Team Dance song was by one of my least favorite “artists” on the planet, Ke$ha. I loathe her. You were right on the first song, btw. The TRON and Mr. Rogers references were perfect (and hilarious) but I also saw shades of a latter day Barry Manilow when I looked at Donnie, also. Jinkies. I can’t believe Kendra might live another day.

  2. Anne Price

    I thought that Donnie was a Martin Short character. I like Romeo. I’m hoping Kendra goes.

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