Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars, Season 12 – Week 8 Performances

It’s a Jive to “La Bamba”, and I am not a fan of the Jive on general principle.  It’s really slow and awkward at first,  but that’s deliberate – they flounder around until they kiss and then they come to live.  Kirstie is moving pretty well, but when they’re out of hold she falls out of sync quickly.  There’s also a part where she seems to be in a completely different place than Maks expects.  It’s quite good when they’re in hold, though.

Carrie Ann notes that they were out of sync.  Like me!  Donnie really likes it.  He says she’s not great mechanically, but there’s something between the steps.  Sigh.  Is that like how jazz is all about the notes you’re not playing?  Len liked elements of it, but thinks it was overall “leaden”.  Bruno says it was entertaining, even though it wasn’t really good.  They get a 30, which includes a 9 from Donnie and a 6 from Len.

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  1. The second Team Dance song was by one of my least favorite “artists” on the planet, Ke$ha. I loathe her. You were right on the first song, btw. The TRON and Mr. Rogers references were perfect (and hilarious) but I also saw shades of a latter day Barry Manilow when I looked at Donnie, also. Jinkies. I can’t believe Kendra might live another day.

  2. Anne Price

    I thought that Donnie was a Martin Short character. I like Romeo. I’m hoping Kendra goes.

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