Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars, Season 12 – Week 8 Performances

They’re the team in leather and straps, and they’re dancing to a song that Myndi would know, but I don’t.  (Is it “Born This Way”?  That’s Lady GaGa, right?  Why don’t I know things?)  The group segment doesn’t have the power that I’ve come to expect from the group dance.  Romeo and Chelsie are the first to take the stage solo, and it’s technically pretty adept but it just isn’t gripping.  Next it’s Ralph and Karina, and even though Karina is working the leather pants, there’s just not enough flash.  Plus, there’s a pretty noticeable stumble when they pass the baton to Chelsea and Mark.  Theirs is easily the best individual dance of the three – it’s got really good energy.  Then everybody’s back on stage, and the group choreography isn’t as impressive as I’d like it to be.  I mean it’s good, but we’ve seen some awesome team dances in the past.  This isn’t anything I’ll remember, I don’t think.

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  1. The second Team Dance song was by one of my least favorite “artists” on the planet, Ke$ha. I loathe her. You were right on the first song, btw. The TRON and Mr. Rogers references were perfect (and hilarious) but I also saw shades of a latter day Barry Manilow when I looked at Donnie, also. Jinkies. I can’t believe Kendra might live another day.

  2. Anne Price

    I thought that Donnie was a Martin Short character. I like Romeo. I’m hoping Kendra goes.

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