Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 12 Snap Judgments

With less than two weeks two weeks before the Dancing with the Stars premiere, our recap team has been hard at work analyzing this season’s pairs.  It looks like it’s going to be a good group.  Without any immediately maddening choices (i.e., no Gosselins, Palins, or Kardashians), and no clear ringers, this season looks to be really fun.  And with multiple-winner Derek Hough taking a season off, the field is wide open. 

So who’s getting out votes?  Who do we think will charm the judges?  Who the heck is Psycho Mike?  Myndi and EJ have speculation, answers, and fascinating facts.  So let’s run down the cast, in no particular order.  (Or, actually, in the same order that they’re listed on the ABC website.  Man, do we need our Tom Bergeron fix…) 
Chelsea Kane–So, this girl used to be called Chelsea Staub when she was on the Jonas Brothers twee Disney sitcom and now she’s inexplicably changed her last name.  She’s very cute and has a typically sweet Disney-fied persona that people will either find endearing or too sweet by a power of ten when she is paired with Mark Ballas.  He’s sort of polarizing on his own.  I would never peg a Disney kid to last long before Kyle Massey, but then he came out of nowhere with his own polarizing pro (Lacey), so I can’t count Chelsea out here. (MW)

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  1. ThinkPositive

    Even though I didn’t know half the celebs for Season 12 of DWTS, I’ve been pleasantly surprised (so far) by this cast. This could, actually, be a fun season. (Hallelujah!) No faves at this point. I’m keeping an open mind and looking forward to seeing what each couple brings to the floor on March 21.

  2. I’m kind of disappointed there’s no ringer! You knew Nicole Scherzinger, Brandy, Evan Lysacek, Melissa Rycroft, etc would be awesome. But nobody here is giving me “I’M AN AMAZING DANCER” vibes.

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