Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 12 Snap Judgments

Wendy Williams–Hey Wendy, how you doin’?  Well, in the little press conference that ABC put online, Wendy said she’s most excited about the wigs and costumes she’ll get to wear, which is par for the course.  But, this is also a woman who uses her lighter to heat up beef jerky before she eats it, so she’s a woman of many facets.  I think there are huge segments of the viewing audience that have never seen nor heard of Wendy, and they’re going to be a little surprised and amused by her.  There’s a reason she took Tyra’s place as Joel McHale’s favorite crazy lady talk show host on The Soup. Yet, that persona is perfect for this show.  And she has Tony for a partner, who has reigned in far crazier (Kate Gosselin) and made dancers out of more wooden (Susan Lucci and Audrina Patridge), so if she has any ability, she might last a while. (MW)

That’s our take.  Who are you rooting for?  Let us know in the comments, and then join us on Monday the 21st, when Dancing with the Stars goes LIIIIIIIIIVVVVE!

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  1. ThinkPositive

    Even though I didn’t know half the celebs for Season 12 of DWTS, I’ve been pleasantly surprised (so far) by this cast. This could, actually, be a fun season. (Hallelujah!) No faves at this point. I’m keeping an open mind and looking forward to seeing what each couple brings to the floor on March 21.

  2. I’m kind of disappointed there’s no ringer! You knew Nicole Scherzinger, Brandy, Evan Lysacek, Melissa Rycroft, etc would be awesome. But nobody here is giving me “I’M AN AMAZING DANCER” vibes.

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