Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 12 Snap Judgments

“Psycho” Mike Catherwood–I was home sick for a three day stretch recently, otherwise I would be right alongside the rest of America in having no earthly idea who this man is.  He happened to be guest hosting on Regis and Kelly while I was stuck on the sofa, and he came off as downright charming.   He reminded me of about three or four actors I couldn’t place until I realized he was actually someone else entirely, and I’d never seen him before that moment.  Despite his name not giving anything away, he is Latino, so if he actually has hip action and ends up being a good dancer, look out!  Lacey did wonders with Kyle last season to bring him to the front from out of nowhere, so I wouldn’t discount her here.  Plus, Mike is a former bodybuilder, so he’s got the physique.  Any chance he might be the next Gilles Marini? (MW)

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  1. ThinkPositive

    Even though I didn’t know half the celebs for Season 12 of DWTS, I’ve been pleasantly surprised (so far) by this cast. This could, actually, be a fun season. (Hallelujah!) No faves at this point. I’m keeping an open mind and looking forward to seeing what each couple brings to the floor on March 21.

  2. I’m kind of disappointed there’s no ringer! You knew Nicole Scherzinger, Brandy, Evan Lysacek, Melissa Rycroft, etc would be awesome. But nobody here is giving me “I’M AN AMAZING DANCER” vibes.

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