Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 8 Premiere! (Mar 10)

Here we go…Season 8 of Dancing With the Stars.  Before anyone has even danced, the drama is underway.  Oh, and there’s a brand new staircase!  You know what else is new?  spunkybean has a personal friend on staff now, so we plan to have whatever scoop said source can provide!  There’s even a small morsel in this very recap, so read on!

Let’s cut to the chase and recap the thirteen “stars” as they danced, going from first to worst.

Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke (24).  Cheryl say she wants to make people uncomfortable with the hotness of their Cha cha cha.  Dry humping can do that, so why not throw it in right out of the gate?  Gilles looks the most like a dancer among the guys…and he’s HOT.  OK, you got me casting directors!  I’m now officially rooting for this guy.  He made Carrie Ann cheer and Bruno drool…looking for explosions. Oh, I bet you are, Bruno.   Cheryl’s longer hair looks awesome.  Aw,  his cute little son is front and center.  There is improper use of the word “hard” in the Samantha Harris interview, so nothing really new or different there.

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