Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season 9, Performance Week 6 (Oct 26)

Let’s get to the actual dancing, shall we?  This time, I’m just listing the final score with the competition mambo marks from the big group dance figured in. Do you really care all that much what Carrie Ann scored the damn thing?

Derek & Joanna (36) She had trouble with her frame in rehearsal and Derek was frustrated with her.  Oooh, fierce competitor Derek is back from the flu!  Well, it’s certainly more elegant than Melissa’s Waltz, but you can see her trying to keep up with him, her feet shuffling at a few points.  And I feel like Derek did a few more of the spins I might normally assign to the female. Then again, only one of us is a choreographer, and it’s not me.  Bruno thought it was poetic.  Carrie Ann saw some hesitation.  Len points out her footwork, but appreciated the lack of props and bits, calling it the best waltz of the night. Mya & Dmitry (33) As usual, the dance is very accomplished but lacks some of the performance element.  Also, there’s a lot of set up at the beginning, and way too many props,like a broom and duster.  Len is very disappointed at the lack of content, but Bruno assures her that “cleanliness is next to godliness”.  He loved it.  Carrie Ann says it was “soft & muted”, compared to her expectations.

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