Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season 9, Performance Week 6 (Oct 26)

Louie & Chelsea (24) They try to apply some snowboarding moves to their jitterbug.  As a result, there are just an absolute TON of tricks and flips.  The dancing is improved, but not fabulous. I’m pretty sure he dropped her on her ass a couple of times.  Len and Bruno both point out the timing issues and lack of precision.  Carrie Ann loved it, but points out the two times Louie dropped Chelsea, which confirmed what I was thinking.

Michael & Anna (22) Apparently Michael has a radio show on the ESPN station in Dallas, and he seems to be getting a ton of votes directly from his audience.  Michael is comparing the Waltz to the NFL playoffs and giving himself and Anna pep talks.  He is downright exuberant in his performance.  Bruno says it was not “premiere league”, calling out his posture.  Carrie Ann saw a lift but thinks it was “charming”.  Len says it was a “gentle waltz” saying it was the best waltz footwork of the night.

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