Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9, Performance Week 7

Their dance begins with all the woman on the stairs, and they head out to join their male counterparts.The ladies gather in the center while the men flank them, then each pair heads to a corner.After a few bars, they meet in the middle again.Aaron and Karina take the first solo, and it’s weirdly aggressive.Aaron is mad at the Paso!Next up it’s Michael and New Anna, and it’s another good showing from Michael.Then, Mark and Anna hit their solo, and I like it a lot.I think they should have been partners from the beginning.Finally, Mya and Dmitry wrap it up, and it’s solid but not as flashy as I expected.Then everybody comes together to dance as a group, and it’s Paso-riffic.Man, I love the Paso.

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