Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9, Performance Week 7

Bruno says he “kicked ass”, so there’s that.Carrie Ann also says it’s excellent, except for “a weird thingy”.It’s good that she uses the technical terminology like that.Len loved the energy and says he’s tempted to give it a 10.Clearly, I am not fit to comment on Jives.The guys give him 10’s, and Carrie Ann gives him a 9, for a 29 that I’m just not feeling.

Kelly Osbourne and Louis (24 + 28 = 52) – The judges didn’t like her Jitterbug last week.For those paying attention, that means the judges didn’t like any of the Jitterbugs last week.They’re dancing the Salsa this week, and Louis thinks it’s their biggest challenge.Kelly worries me, because her emotions are so close to the surface.I mean, this is supposed to be fun, and she’s in tears.I like her, but she stresses me out.

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