Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9, Performance Week 7

Donny Osmond and Kym (24 + 28 = 52) – The judges didn’t like Donny’s Jitterbug last week, but you know, it was a Jitterbug.This week, they’re doing the Quick Step, and Donny’s nervous about the, you know, quickness of it.Kym’s worried about his posture, so she brings in the Posture Bar, which we’ve seen before, but it’s just so weird-looking.

They have some great energy, with some fairly complicated choreography.Donny’s really moving fast, and it looks pretty effortless.There’s sort of a sweepy section toward the end that doesn’t look nearly as good as you’d hope, but all in all, it’s really quite good.I’m always surprised by how well this guy does.His costume for Kym, however, is not great.The bottom half looks like she rescued it out of the garbage, and the top half has a sort of “space prostitute” look to it.It’s weird.

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