Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 9, Results Week 6

It’s a Double Elimination night, so there’s going to be blood all over the dance floor.However, that blood will not belong to Joanna Krupa and Derek, who are revealed to be safe.Also, Mark Dacascos and Lacey are safe.Yay!You don’t mess with Sensei Ping, people!
After commercial, Tom points out the cast of Eastwick in the audience.Yay, corporate synergy!This leads into a filler segment about how everybody’s afraid of the Double Elimination.Once again we see Chelsie fall, and Aaron Carter is on the edge of crying again.He tries to make a joke about it, but it’s hard to make a good joke about crying while you’re actually crying.
What do you say we save some more couples?Donny Osmond and Kym are safe, and that can’t be a surprise to anybody.More surprising is that Aaron and Karina are safe.You can totally tell that Karina wasn’t expecting that, because she freaks out.You know something?I can’t decide if I like Karina.But it’s not like she’s on the edge – I either can’t stand her or I really like her, and I honestly don’t know which one it is.Whether my feelings toward her are positive or negative, they have a very high absolute value.
Next up, we have a band called Tiempo Libre, all of whom are Cuban expatriates.I am distracted because I don’t recognize the dancers.They have more pros than they can fit into a season – why bring in more for the musical numbers?Cheryl and Edyta need something to do.One of the male dancers also has a noticeable widow’s peak.I actually like the song – it’s got a nice driving rhythm.
More filler – next week, the stars will be designing the outfits.This should be awesome.New Anna yells at Michael Irvin in Russian.Melissa Joan Hart wants to make Mark think that he’s wearing high heels. Boy, this would have been just unbelievable if Chuck Liddell and Tom DeLay were still on the show.I picture Chuck going all Beyond Thunderdome, while Tom would have made show history by putting Cheryl in a turtleneck and pants.I’ve also realized that Aaron looks like a young Jay Mohr.Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Back to the business of elimination.Mya and Dmitry are safe, which makes me happy.I think she’s doing really well, but I don’t think she’s connecting with people.Kelly Osbourne and Louis are also save which is nice, because she had a bad week but has been strong overall.Also, it’s her birthday.Happy Birthday, Kelly!That leaves Michael and New Anna, Louie and Chelsie, and Melissa and Mark.Two of those couples are going home
Taylor Swift performs again, and some of our pros show up.In fact, Anna, Edyta, and Cheryl all take the stage, which means somebody’s been reading my diary.They’re joined by Jonathan, Maks, and Tony, all of whom are wearing pirate shirts.Tom Bergeron then makes the exact same joke about their shirts, referencing Seinfeld.Tom and I are total BFF’s you guys.
In a weird filler segment, people who’ve gotten 10’s in the past talk about… dancers getting 10’s.I guess.Nadia Comaneci, who I haven’t recapped since Celebrity Apprentice, Greg Louganis, and Bill Walton.I’m not sure that judges assign 10’s in basketball, so Bill Walton’s presence confuses me and I no longer understand this bit.
It’s time for our first elimination.One couple’s going home, the other two are heading into a Dance-Off.Astonishingly, and a least a little upsettingly, Melissa and Mark are eliminated.Not only did I kind of like her, but this just may give Louie another week, and I can’t have that.At least Tom has a good joke about how Mark is dressed as the guy who owns Curious George.Samantha tells the dance-off couples that the most important thing is to have fun, but then says that they’re competing to the death.At some point, Samantha Harris has become the Ayatollah of Rockandrollah.And that’s my second reference to the Thunderdome this week.This is a violent episode!
First up are Michael and New Anna dancing the Samba.Weirdly, this seems to be the most fun Michael’s had on the show yet, and he’s really letting loose.I don’t think we’ve ever seen him this fluid, and he’s jazzing up even basic moves.Way to go, Michael!The judges are mostly positive, though Carrie Ann wasn’t fond of his technique.Oh, you know he was awesome, lady.
Next up it’s Louie and Chelsie, dancing the Jive.My least favorite couple and my least favorite dance.Imagine my enthusiasm.I can’t even tell whether jives are good, but it looks like Louis is lagging behind, and when they break hold he watches Chelsie too much.Carrie Ann and Len are disappointed in the lack of content, Bruno sounds positive but doesn’t have much to say.
And now it’s all up to the judges.Each judge makes their pick individually, so it’s like the Ballroom Kids competition.Bruno votes to save Louie and Chelsie.Ugh.Len votes for Michael and New Anna.Carrie Ann agrees with Len, and that means so long to Louie Vito.Tom talks to them, but I’m not listening, because I’ve been bored with Louie since Week One.
I’ll be back on Monday with a piping hot performance show, with two dances from every couple!
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