Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9, Week 5 – Results

All right, Shakira’s back with “Hips Don’t Lie”!Weirdly, they keep cutting away from Shakira, like this is Ed Sullivan and they think Elvis’ hips will destroy society.I don’t really have anything insightful to say, but I enjoy watching Shakira.Don’t you judge me.

There’s a filler segment where the dancers and stars talk about stress.Other than Sensei Ping tagging Lacey with suction cup dart guns, there’s not much here.And now, it’s time for more results.Donny Osmond and Kym are safe!That leaves Chuck and Louie Vito hanging out and waiting to see where they stand.I’m not a Louie fan, so I have strong feelings on this particular configuration.

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