Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9, Week 7 – Results (Nov 4)

OK, time to eliminate one of our hapless couples.Sadly, it’s Michael and New Anna.I felt like he was really coming into his own the last couple of weeks, and I’m going to miss him.Tom compliments Michael on his hard work, and also for pulling Team Paso together in rehearsal.Michael really seems sad – like I said yesterday, I think he really dug being on this show.I’m going to miss him.

And now it’s the Dance Off.I’m rooting for Mark, but realistically, I think he’s going to get slaughtered.Sensei Ping is up first, dancing to the song from Madagascar.He starts out on the judge’s table and jumps to the floor.There’s a lot of power to their dance, and it allows Mark to do some backflips.I liked it.

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