Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Semi-Final Elimination

Derek Hough was the cutest little blonde boy ever and has four gorgeous blonde sisters.  At twelve, he moved from Utah to London to train with the Ballas family.  Corky says he got Derek to follow rules by taking his hair gel away.  Ha!

Back to the results.  Nicole & Derek are put through.  Next up, the 100th elimination of the series.  Cheryl is smiling, and Erin looks anxious and somewhat miserable.  Tom prolongs things by asking for the judges’ thoughts on Chad and Erin.  Carrie Ann is impressed with how Chad’s grown.  Bruno says Erin has gotten better every week.  Len says that in a normal season, both couples would be in the final.  I’m not ashamed to admit that I actually pumped my fist when Erin & Maks got through!  Not only do I really like their personalities, but I think Erin is as strong as Evan and Nicole in many respects and could have a decent shot at winning if they keep tight with the judges scores.  Bottom line, this is a very competitive and entertaining final three!

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