Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Semifinals (Nov 18)

I am watching this week’s semi-finals on (gasp!) a 27 inch TV!  You see, our 42 inch HD TV is actually in for repairs this week, so we stole this from our daughter’s play room.  Priorities, people!
Did you know this was gonna be a ballroom rumble?  I much prefer a ballroom blitz, but no one asked me. If pictures are any indication, Warren has “showmanship”, Brooke has “technique”, Cody has “energy” and Lance has “flair”.  Is that a gay joke?  Nevermind.  Let’s watch the magic happen!  LIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!
Tom calls this “possibly the most competitive final four we’ve ever had”.  But, really, what else is he going to say?  He also calls Len  “The Lord of the Early Bird Special”, which seems sort of forced, and that pains me to say.
Brooke and Derek are dancing the Jive and the Salsa.  Derek is having a tough time with choreographing the Salsa.  Brooke worries about connecting with the audience and knows she has to win the viewers over to actually win the show.

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