Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 3 Performances (Oct 7)

They are dressed in grey glittery outfits, and they really commit to the Waltz.  They tell a whole story using the lyrics, and Lacey waltzes away from Lance at the end.  I think it’s pretty darn good.  These two have a great rapport and are fun to watch.  Bruno says “the cast of Cocoon” will like it, gesturing to Len.  He says it was labored on the downbeat and missing “sparkle”.  Carrie Ann, on the other hand, calls it “fantastic!” She points out that Lance was dancing as much as Lacey, whereas a lot of guys get by with just being the frame on this dance.  Len makes a joke about living at the home they went to and mentions playing bingo with Cloris.  He grumps that it was flat-footed, and the posture and hold were poor, but he liked the musicality and content, saying it was their best dance.  Backstage, Lacey makes sure to say she loves Cloris.  They get an 8 from Carrie Ann and 7’s from Len and Bruno for a 22.  Lance says they are proud of how they did.  Lacey cutely adjusts Lance’s necktie.  He is SO the Will to her Grace at this point!

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