Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 3 Performances (Oct 7)

Len says it was pretty good, but felt rushed, all the while leaving the glasses on.  Bruno says he should have kept the blindfold on.  He says it was like a lump of mashed potatoes.  Mmm, potatoes.  (Remember, cereal for dinner.)  These guys are both Italian; maybe there’s a fight that goes back to the old country between the DiSpiritos and the Toniolis?  Carrie Ann thinks Bruno’s crazy, and that Rocco was most improved this week.  As they head backstage, Tom reminds us to vote, saying the show isn’t just a popularity contest, it’s a “popularity contest …in sequins.”  Rocco says the show’s a gift to him when talking with Samantha.  She mentions that he was in the building when Misty injured herself, and asks what it was like.  Rocco says they just tried to comfort Misty.  Really?  I was kind of assuming they’d have pointed and laughed at her!  That was hard-hitting, wasn’t it?  They get 7’s from Carrie Ann and Len but a 6 from Bruno (see? ancient feud!) for a total of 20.

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