Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 3 Performances (Oct 7)

Warren and Kym are doing a Waltz and Kym tells Warren he has to pretend to be in love with her this week.  He says “Big Fella can be smooth”.  Kym thinks everyone will be jealous of her dancing with Warren, as he promises a “softer side of Sapp”.  Once again, Warren is ridiculously light on his feet and the dance is pretty romantic all the way around.  Um, why is Holly from Girls Next Door in the ballroom?  Well, at least there’s no sign of Kendra.  Bruno says it was “big, smooth and beautiful”.  (I’m sorry if this is offensive, but “that’s what she said!”) Bruno goes on that Warren is very versatile.  Carrie Ann says she has a crush on Warren, and that the dance was gorgeous.  She says he embodies the characteristics of each dance.  Len says he’s giving the skinny people a run for their money.

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