Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Week 5 Results

Jake & Chelsie get the encore and his cheese factor still annoys the crap of out me.  Tom alludes to an adjustment, which sounds like Chelsie maybe almost lost her top?  I didn’t see it, but I’m guessing ol’ butterface Vienna did.  (Note: apparently, the local news will be discussing this in depth.  They ran a promo of Chelsie rearranging her boobs during Lost.)

Debbie Allen is backstage…and she has her Fame cane! I squeal a little bit.

Maxwell comes out to sing “Fistful of Tears”.  For EJ’s benefit, Maxwell is in the category of smooth R&B crooner guy, but he also reminds me of Vanessa’s boyfriend Robert from The Cosby Show.  I know, I couldn’t be more random with that one. Dancers I don’t recognize come out to accompany him and the female of the pair extends her legs all over the place impressively.  The routine has a ballet flair, and it’s pretty cool.

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