Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Week 5 Results

The results are in and…FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, TONY IS FREE AT LAST!  Brooke admires Kate’s courage.  She is crying and can’t talk right away.  Tony is proud of her; saying she showed up every day, gave it her best.  She calls Tony a wonderful teacher.  She says she’s really grown to love everyone. She thanks the audience who voted for her for believing in her more than she believed in herself.  Yes, like George Lopez.  He really believed in you.  She says that “whatever’s worthy of my time, I give it my all.”  Read into that anything you want. She also finally admits to being scared to death to perform each week, and if she’d just shown a little bit more of this humanity over the last five weeks, perhaps I would feel some compassion for her now.  But she didn’t, so I don’t.  Buh-bye, Kate!  See y’all next week for a swing dance marathon (can Lorelai & Rory come?) and seven decent dancing celebs!

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