Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 7 Results

Tom wants to know if our votes have “set the table for a shock elimination”.  Well, I don’t know, Tom.  That’s why ABC pays you to tell me!   Tom & Brooke waste no time, bringing Erin & Maks and Nicole & Derek down to centerstage first, announcing that one of these couples are in the bottom two.  I was sure it would be Nicole & Derek (for pure shock value), but it’s my beloved Erin & Maks, who I thought were great last night!

Len and his scary green shirt talk to us about last night.  He praises the show overall, and starts out saying Erin was perfect.  He says Chad had “gentility”.  I feel like he’s suddenly pimping Chad out big time.  We see that Nicole almost bit it on a spin where she was parallel with the ground.  More praise for both Pam and Niecy.  And, of course, no one could touch Evan & Anna.  Len says Team Gaga was great, but I really thought Pam was a majorly weak link.  He says Team Madonna wasn’t as good in their “formation” section but I personally enjoyed their routine more overall.

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