Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 7 Results

As it happens, Team Gaga gets the encore, but Pam apparently suffered an injury today and Chelsie is subbing in for her.  This just makes it more obvious how very average Pam was last night.  Also, I’m annoyed at Nicole’s constant need to make sex faces.  Just goes to show you can take the girl out of the Pussycat Dolls, but you can’t take the Pussycat Dolls out of the girl!

Train is here to perform the grating “Hey, Soul Sister”, which poor, doomed Aiden danced to earlier in the season.  This song just annoys the piss out of me.  Looks like Mark Ballas is feeling better, as he comes out to dance with Chelsie.  They are joined by Lacey & Dmitry as well as Tony & Cheryl.  In their second dance interlude, I think I saw Chelsie make a (small) error.  Well that doesn’t usually happen!

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