Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars: Week 8 Elimination

So, the ballroom team from UC San Diego is dancing the samba in a formation.  It’s…not that exciting.  I’m not saying I can do it or anything, but dancing in formation is not super riveting.  But Len & Bruno liked it for the most part.  Carrie Ann asks them to make the movements bigger, which I think means she was kind of agreeing with me.  You’re precise, but you’re dull.  They then score them, straight 8s for a 24, and I think I missed the part where this was mirroring the regular competition with judges’ scores and viewer votes.

Here’s the team from Purdue, dancing the mambo.  Again, fairly well-executed, not that exciting. I think I see some people out of sync, which has to be a big part of the point, right? Bruno compliments their hips but points out their timing issues and the lack of “changing of figures”.  Carrie Ann likes their spirit, but agrees with Bruno on the “pattern changes”.  This sounds more like geometry class than a dance competition.  Len’s gives a verbal high five to the guy who says he started dancing just to meet girls.  Their scores are an 8 from Carrie Ann and 7s from the guys for a 22, and one of the girls looks PISSED.  I guess we’ll get some results next week.  I should probably pretend to care, right?

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