Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 8 Performances

Brooke and Derek are next.  We reflect on their perfect score from last week.  Derek says he’s going to treat Brooke like a pro, and that learning two dances in a week is stressful.  Also, by the way, Brooke’s the only woman left and has to beat Olympic and Superbowl champions to make the finals.  Yeah, like they’re going to let this thing turn into a sausage fest before the finale.  Doubtful.  The tango is first for them.

It’s all very crisp and dramatic, and ends with a very near kiss.  Their chemistry is insane, as are Brooke’s fake eyelashes.  Bruno calls the dance “Los Diablos”.  He says they’re are in tune.  Carrie Ann gushes about “light & shade”.  Len does the same…but then starts picking on a lack of heel leads, losing body contact and posture, etc.  Basically, he forgets the name of the show.  Tom jumps in with “we’re only a 90 minute show” and Carrie Ann calls him “feisty”.  I think someone needs more bran!  Brooke is laid back with Samantha as she reacts to the cranky old dude going off and Sam actually uses the phrase “cross to bear” effectively.  Carrie Ann and Bruno give them 10’s but Len gives them an 8 for a 28.

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