Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week One: The Men

Their foxtrot is a little slow and you can see him counting the steps, but he’s rather charming nonetheless.  I guess Steve Gutteberg is taking the Jerry Springer/John Ratzenberger/George Hamilton role, which makes me feel old. Bruno says he looked like a graduate of the Billy Ray Academy of Dance, and that he should take a ballet class.  Carrie Anne throws out “charming” and Len says it’s clear he’s enjoying himself.  Obviously, they want him to stay awhile.  Backstage, as they await their scores, Steve shares that it’s his parents 50th wedding anniversary and goes on a bit more about how great it is to be on the show.  Samantha cuts him off, as she has no idea how to wrap an interview like a person. It really is a skill, people.  She doesn’t have it.

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