Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week One: The Men

After the pro number, they run back to join their celebs, and they make their official entrance in pairs.  Adam pretends to have a booger, Guttenberg says hi to his mom, and Priscilla Presley can scarcely move her face.  Time for a commercial.

Let’s meet our first couple, Penn Jillette and Kym Johnson.  In the tape, he eats fire.  Upon answering the door to meet Kym, Penn asks if she’ll be teaching Sasquatch to dance.  Penn feels all his experience on stage will serve him well, but he does seem to realize he needs to overcome his giant clown feet, which will be no easy task.  Not to mention the incessant talking. Finally, at 16 minutes and 15 seconds in, we have actual Dancing with a Star.  Penn and Kym are doing the cha cha cha.  Kym tries her best to dance around him and he certainly makes an effort to do something besides stomp around, but it’s impossible not to notice the giant feet.  I honestly didn’t see much in the way of cha cha cha, but I know nothing about dancing; just putting that out there.  Len says it had “flavor” and compliments Penn’s hip work.  Bruno has to come out with his goofy one-liners right away, so he says it was like “Shrek does the cha cha cha” and he only saw “replacement hip action”.  Ow, my sides hurt already!  Penn asks if Bruno could learn a card trick in four weeks and I kind of hope he could, actually.  Should a card trick take that much time to learn?  Carrie Anne compliments his attitude, which is a nice way to say he sucked.

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