Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week One: The Men

Now, I didn’t think this was as terrible as I was prepared for it to be, which is mostly due to Julianne being awesome.  But, Adam does execute a high kick in there and manages to keep up.  He’s far from smooth, and has no ability to “sell” it, but he’s trying at least. Bruno explains that if the Foxtrot is the George Clooney of dances, then Adam was like Will Ferrell or John Cleese.  Adam says they could buy and sell him, so that’s OK.  Shut up Adam.  Len tells him his footwork was good, but he’s stiff and must relax. Adam makes another comment about doing something you’re horrible at in front of 25 million people.  I’m sorry, were you forced to do this at gunpoint?  Stop being so defensive!  Carrie Anne just tells him to keep working.

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