Skating with the Stars – We’re Talkin’ Dick Button

After this, judge Johnny Weir skates a number, in one of his trademark goofy-ass outfits.  It’s a Lady Gaga song, which just sort of drives home the comparison of somebody who’s desperate to get attention for being outrageous.  I find the both of them exhausting, frankly.

Rebecca Budig and Fred Palascak – It turns out she’s “obsessed” with figure skating, and she has a lot of energy.  Fred is more laid back.  This is the most boring rehearsal footage ever.  He does swing her around like a little kid playing airplane, which is at least kind of funny.  They start off with the classic DWTS opening gambit, where the star poses and their partner does stuff around them.  I think this is good, but there are a lot of lifts.  Not that I’m opposed to lifts, but it’s just more time that she spends off the ice.  It’s good, but Fred is busting his ass to camouflage what she can’t do.  He’s the Edyta of this show.  Tanith says it was hard to tell which of them was the professional.  No, it really wasn’t.

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