Skating with the Stars – We’re Talkin’ Dick Button

Sean Young and Denis Petukhov – They call Sean a “movie icon”, which I think is stretching it.  She had a couple big roles, (Blade Runner and No Way Out), but that’s scarcely iconic.  (I enjoyed her in Stripes and Ace Ventura myself!–Myndi) As far as Blade Runner goes, I think Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Darryl Hannah and William Sanderson are all more memorable in their roles.  And she appears to be so Botoxed that she has forgotten how to show emotions with her face.  She’s got a serious case of Dead Face.  I kind of hope this show will be her big redemption after her very public flame-out, but she comes off as really brittle here.  In a weird touch, when the couple comes out, Tanith tells us about the mistakes they made in rehearsal.  Their choreography is sort of akin to a Waltz.  Sean’s not doing much here, really.  Denis is sort of pushing her around and occasionally picking her up.

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