We don’t know if you’ve heard, because there’s been very little publicity, but there’s a “spinoff” of teen classic Beverly Hills 90210 starting this week. Since there are huge banners in the mall showing characters names “Navid” and “Silver”, (really, producers Jeff Judah and Gabe Sachs, really?) we at spunkybean thought it might be fun to take a quick spin around imdb.com and see what the original cast has been up to in the ensuing eight years (or several more in some cases) since the original went off the air. Have we mentioned that you can’t technically do a spinoff of a show that’s been off the air for eight years? Because that really sticks in our collective craw!
Tori Spelling (Donna Martin)
Tori’s been pretty visible in recent years (and we’re not just talking about how hugely pregnant she was with each of her two children) with her recent book and reality show, in which she stars with her bloated husband Dean. Though annoying to many, Tori’s become endearing to some with her sad tales of woe and being largely cut out of Papa Aaron’s will. She started it all by leveling some thinly veiled jabs at her mother Candy on her VH1 show So NoTORIous, which was
supposed to be a spoof of her actual life. This attempt to reinvent her persona followed Tori’s many attempts at serious acting, from The House of Yes and Trick to
her numerous TV movies, featuring such awesomely titled gems as Coed Call Girl, Awake with Danger, A Friend to Die For and, of course, the classic Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?
Recent headlines have announced that Tori has bowed out of the new 90210 over a salary dispute. The dispute is that she was going to be paid about half of what Jennie Garth and Shannen Doherty are getting per episode. I guess that’s what you get for complaining about losing your trust fund…people figure you’ll take anything.
Jennie Garth (Kelly Taylor)
Jennie went straight to The CW after 90210 ended and, oddly enough, chose to play a character named Val, on What I Like About You with Amanda Bynes. It was never a huge hit, but it was on The CW, where standards are low, so Jennie rode this horse to some syndication money. She then starred on the ill-fated TNT drama, The $treet, before somehow displaying massive amounts of self-doubt on Dancing with the Stars in 2007.
She’s back for the new show, playing Kelly Taylor as a guidance counselor. This makes some sense. Lord knows Kelly endured just about every imaginable pitfall of teenage and young adulthood, after all. For starters, she was raped, shot, burned in a fire, lost her memory, brainwashed by a professor, the center of a love triangle and a cocaine addict. Plus, she suffered the indignity of showing up to the Spring Dance in the same dress as Brenda that one time. That thing was a hot mess.
Shannen Doherty (Brenda Walsh)
As everyone knows, Shannen was labled “difficult” and booted off the show in ’94. She went on to have several short-lived marriages and a decent list of credits post-90210. She starred in Mallrats, plus TV movies Friends Til The End (she was in a BAND, and sang very badly!) and Satan’s School For Girls. She also got another shot with Aaron Spelling on Charmed, which worked for a while, until she and Alyssa Milano got into it and Shannen bolted once more.
In recent years, Shannen got a shot on North Shore, which fizzled on FOX, hosted Scare Tactics on Sci Fi (She was replaced by Tracy Morgan for the second season. Rumor has it, those two are always competing for the same roles) and Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty. We can’t wait to see how the writers get Brenda back to Beverly Hills in the reboot, considering that we were led to believe she was a hugely successful stage actress in London. Let’s hope there’s a revival of Cat on A Hot Tin Roof in the offing. She really owned that Maggie the Cat! The bummer is that Luke Perry has zero interest in coming back, so we won’t be seeing a reprise of the Kelly/Brenda/Dylan triangle. More’s the pity.
Luke Perry (Dylan McKay)
Trying to distance himself as much as possible from the role that made him a star, Luke Perry took a roles on HBO’s prison drama Oz only one year after 90210
ended. As the congregation-bilking Reverend Jeremiah Cloutier, Perry spent half of his episodes in horrifying burn makeup. He later took on another HBO role on John From Cincinnati. Where he’d been a Christ figure on Oz, his character on John, Linc Starc, was believed by many fans of the series to be an earthbound, powerless Satan. Both roles were about as unlike Dylan McKay as he could get, as evidenced by the fact that neither of his HBO characters appeared on officially licensed Trapper Keepers.
For three seasons, he played the title character on Jeremiah, a Showtime science-fiction drama. It was based on a Belgian comic book, and also starred Malcolm-Jamal Warner. We tried to find out more about this series, but all available information mentioned a quest for “Thunder Mountain”, so we gave up. Other recent projects include the awful summer replacement Windfall and the Hallmark Channel cowboy flick Gunfighter’s Pledge.
Tiffani Amber Theissen (Valerie Malone)
At some point, she dropped the “Amber”, which probably made too many people hearken back to the halcyon days of Kelly Kapowski on Saved by the Bell. Theissen, best buds with Jennie Garth in real life, did lots of guest stints, and even met her fiance (whom she dumped before reaching the altar) on Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place. More recently, she starred with Garth’s hubby, Peter Facinelli, on Fastlane, in which we were supposed to buy her as a police chief, and did longer stints on Good Morning, Miami and What about Brian? Clearly, Tiff’s a fan of shows that use punctuation in their titles.
Jason Priestly (Brandon Walsh)
After leaving 90210 in ’98, Jason continued the directing he’d been doing on the show and parlayed it into a BNL documentary called
Barenaked in America. He also starred in a silly Family Channel made-for called I Want to Marry Ryan Banks, which was a spoof on The Bachelor, plus the CBS show Love Monkey with Tom Cavanaugh (of Ed fame) and Judy Greer (of many awesome things), which was sadly canceled after eight short weeks. Most recently, he had a run on a USA show called Side Order of Life which we saw ads for, but never bothered to watch. Sorry, Jase.
A low point of Priestly’s career, through no fault of his own, was his appearance on a season finale of The Apprentice. Utterly useless finalist Lee was tasked to present a charity hockey game, and he managed to lose Jason Priestly. The finale featured a good deal of security-camera footage showing Priestly wandering the completely unmarked halls of the arena.
Ian Ziering (Steve Sanders)
Still looking boyish at 44, Ian has spent most of his post-90210 time doing voice over work for things like Spider-Man and Biker Mice from Mars. He and former castmate Brian Austin Green played themselves in the Kiera Knightley erotic bounty hunter biopic, Domino. He also took a spin on Dancing With the Stars and finished strong, even though he didn’t win. He parlayed that into a hosting gig on the Freudian nightmare Your Mama Don’t Dance, which spotlighted fathers dancing with daughters and mothers dancing with sons, often in completely inappropriate ways. Ian may have his best role yet to come, however. On his imdb page, there is a credit listed as in production for a movie called The Legend of Awesomest Maximus, and Ian plays the character of Testiclees. How can that not be fabulous?
Brian Austin Green (David Silver)
The Notorious BAG, as he has apparently called himself at one time or another (and we hope never again) went across the pond for
his first post 90210 gig, in a teen drama called Stacy Stone that aired only in the UK. He then came back in the sitcom Freddie with–you guessed it–Freddie Prinze, Jr. It was an average show at best, but Brian was one of the bright spots. He’s now featured on the FOX show The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Of late, he’s also made a name for himself by publicly campaigning for the role of the Riddler in the next Batman movie. If he shows up for an interview wearing a green suit emblazoned with question marks, Green has a decent shot at becoming the 21st Century version of Sean Young.
Gabrielle Carteris (Andrea Zuckerman)
When she first left West Bev, Gabi was a hot enough property to get a self-titled talk show, but it was lame, and only lasted one short year. Since then, Carteris has raised a family and continued to work in many a guest starring role, including a Nip/Tuck episode where her character purposely and graphically broke her own nose, and a host of TV movies, as well as lots of voice over work for video games, including multiple appearances in the Spider-Man series, and as Elektra in last year’s best-selling Ultimate Alliance. If Andrea Zuckerman had access to an energy dart that, when properly charged, caused instant death in low-level enemies, she probably would have gotten her own spin-off.
So, there you have it. Will the new incarnation of the ’90s classic make it a whole decade? Will anybody ever wear a hat as awesomely bad as the beret Emily Valentine sported in San Francisco, or attempt to be Lucille Ball by wearing wacky prom dresses and Halloween costumes that they can’t move in like Donna Martin? We can’t say for sure, but we are looking forward to seeing if this cast can endear themselves to us the way that all of these actors did during their run. Yes, even you Shannen!