Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-16 “Let No Man Put Asunder”

Marcie doesn’t know who tried to kill them in the parking garage, or who killed Ian McKinnon. Demetri is desperate for those answers, because he’s knocking on Death’s door. Mark asks him to cool down and brings Janis in to help with the questioning instead. That should go well…
Back in interrogation, Marcie talks about being a mole and how she was recruited. She asks if they remember her Flash Forward, and they don’t. Because they didn’t bother to ask. Ah, so there is a point to using a little-seen character here. Well played! Marcie’s in prison in her Flash, but we see only a couple seconds of it. She says that in her Flash, she was happier than she’d ever been. Then we see more of her Flash, where she tells her lawyer that until she gives up the name of her recruiter, she’s indispensable. She likes that she felt important. Stanford interrupts to bring Mark to meet a couple of guests from Washington. It’s not clear what agency they’re with, but they want to bring Marcie to DC. And just like that, they walk out with her.
They regroup and Demetri reports that, according to the LAPD, Mark’s missing gun was used in a murder the night before. You know, the gun that’s going to kill Demetri? This is news that makes everybody uncomfortable.
Jack and Demetri investigate the murder in a homeless shelter. A couple of witnesses heard the victim say “I knew it would be you, I just didn’t want to believe” before the shooter put three bullets in him. Mark says they need to look at who else has handled the gun. Demetri points out that 40 agents could have touched since it was in the evidence room, but Mark reminds him one of those agents is Marcie.
Mark and Demetri intercept Marcie before she’s loaded on the plane. They ask what happened to Mark’s gun, but she doesn’t know. She reported to her contacts that it was in the lock-up, and she knows that Demetri is supposed to die in Los Angeles. That’s enough for the Washington Branch, and they put Marcie on the plane.
Olivia brings Charlie to a playground where Lloyd and Dylan are waiting. Apparently Charlie called Dylan to set up a playdate and create a damned awkward social situation. The tension breaks when they hear Charlie crying – the kids bonked heads, and Charlie’s mouth is bleeding. The two grown-ups deal with the situation and pronounce it no problem.
Stanford’s at an airfield, meeting Air Force Two. The new Vice President is waiting for him, and we already know that she is not a big fan of Stan’s from her last appearance. She tries to be pleasant but could not be more fake. So she puts it aside and asks Stanford if he knows anything about Jericho. She thinks Stanford needs to look into the head of Jericho, now that he’s tripled his security. She acknowledges that in her Flash, where she is President, Jericho was responsible for a political crisis. And then she reminds Stan that April 29 is coming up, and he might want to be in good with the new President.
Back at the FBI, Stanford needs words with Mark. He asks about the whole Jericho thing. Mark lays out as much as he feels comfortable with, which makes him look suspicious. Stanford asks if he can talk to Aaron, and if the two best characters are getting a story together, I’ll be very happy. Look at how well it worked for Lost when they paired up Locke and Benry on a regular basis!
Demetri gets a bulletin that there’s a high-speed chase. Police are in pursuit of one Ross Webbers, who is driving the sedan from the homeless shelter shooting. Mark and Demetri arrive just as Ross has bailed on the car and taken hostages in a nearby building. Mark tries to get Demetri to stay behind, which is reasonable since the guy has the gun that’s fated to kill him. Demetri decides to be stupid and approach Ross, who won’t talk to anybody but Randy “Macho Man” Savage. I did not make this up. He has a gun to a woman’s head, and he says the Blackout is her fault. So he’s nutty, then.
Demetri slides his weapon over to Mark, and then gets rid of his backup piece. Demetri approaches and asks about the theory that salespeople caused the Blackout. It has to do with cell phones, and it doesn’t make any sense. Demetri talks to him about how it’s reasonable to be afraid, and even though Ross has made some bad decisions, he can turn it all around. Ross tosses his hostage to the side and as he gets ready to shoot, Demetri pulls yet another gun from his pocket and shoots him down.
Mark reports that Ross is stable, and they can question him in the hospital. Demetri, meanwhile, realizes that the gun Ross had isn’t Mark’s – different serial number. Back to square one. Mark tells Demetri that he and Zoey should just get away – go someplace safe and wait it out. You know, exactly what Mark refuses to do every time Olivia suggests it.
We jump back to “Two Years Before the Blackout”. Demetri is being cross-examined in court by Zoey, and she’s doing her damnedest to demolish his testimony. Out in the hallway, he complains that she put a criminal back out on the streets, and then she offers to make it up to him with dinner. Demetri turns her down, because he’s pissed.
In the present, Demetri comes back home to Zoey. He asks her to marry him, but right now. They’re going to leave and go where it’s save and get married and not come back until after March 15, or April 29, or maybe never. See how well that plan works, Mark?
Penny shows up at Lloyd’s door to thank him for helping out with Charlie in the park. He invites her in, and she acts like it’s uncomfortable, but she’s the one who showed up at the door, you know? Lloyd points out that he owns a telephone if it’s so awkward and asks why she’s there.
After the commercial, they’re on Lloyd’s couch, and Olivia’s talking about what a mess her life has become. Lloyd points out that he’s got nothing against Mark and then compares himself to Lancelot. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp? That would be way better. Anyway, he’s doing this thing where he’s trying to be a friend but he’s putting the moves on her. They kiss, and I yell at the TV.
Aaron comes back to his hotel and sees Stanford at the table – he pulls a gun until Stanford introduces himself. Oh, this should be awesome. Aaron’s impressed that Stanford tracked him down, and Stan lets him know that there are some very powerful people who would like to shut down Jericho, if only they had the proof. Aaron says he’s going to Afghanistan, and Stanford points out that once he uses his passport, they’re going to find and kill him. Stanford offers to help find Tracy. Is it too early to start talking spinoff?
Vreede, Janis, Mark, and Demetri are hanging out at a bar getting wasted. Vreede offers to be Demetri’s minister, since he has an online divinity degree. Best wedding ever! Janis offers to bring drunk Demetri home, and since nothing else really happens in this scene, I’m going to assume that it’s all set-up.
Stanford outfits Aaron with surveillance equipment and weapons and says he’s arranged to put him on a military flight. Stan says that Aaron might never come back, but Aaron tells him about his Flash.
Janis gets Demetri to a cab, and Demetri brings up the uncomfortable offer in Somalia, and Janis says to forget it – she’s pregnant. So did she hook up with Demetri? Vogel? Is she even actually gay, or is that all part of her cover. Damn, I can’t trust anything about her now!
Zoey and Demetri are in a church, talking to a minister. He’s going to let them use their building, but he can’t officiate, between their not being members, the living in sin, and the lack of premarital counseling. So they’re definitely calling Vreede, right? In the balcony, we see Dyson Frost watching and waiting. Oh, not cool!
Stanford talks to Mark and flat-out lies – he says he couldn’t find Aaron. More people on this show should lie to Mark. The Rev. Vreede comes in with security camera footage of Frost getting in the car from the homeless shelter murder. You know, they haven’t really fleshed him out, but Frost is a pretty awesome bad guy. Demetri’s at home, getting into his tux, only Frost is waiting around the corner and punches him in the neck.
At the church, people are starting to worry – nobody’s heard from Demetri. We then cut to Frost in the blue sedan. Demetri’s in the black seat, and it’s not clear whether he’s alive. Frost covers him with a blanket and leaves. We see Olivia and Charlie at a carnival, where Olivia is running one of the games. Mark calls, and she explains she’s at the school carnival. He tells her that Demetri’s missing, and asks Olivia to be careful. When she hangs up, she can’t find Charlie. She’s off on a bench not far away, but then Dyson Frost sits down next to her.
Next week: Does Demetri survive March 15th? What’s Frost doing? Are Aaron and Stanford going to bring down Jericho? It’s heating up as we barrel toward April 29!
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