
Fixing “Heroes” – or – Hey NBC, Give Me a Job!

Like in Season One, it’s important not to throw everybody together all at once. Take some time getting to know the new characters, and let them discover each other. The existing cast members should be brought into the mix gradually, and they should each have gone through some changes that upset their status quo. For example. Matt, trying to do some good with his powers, is the country’s most successful motivational speaker. And Hiro is 150 years old. All his traveling through time has caught up with him – he spends years in feudal Japan while minutes pass in the present. And of course, since Hiro’s been traveling through time, they can bring in a young Hiro from an earlier point in his life whenever they want. In fact, there should eventually be a team-up of a present-day Hiro, elderly Hiro, and the badass Hiro from the near future.

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