
Fixing “Heroes” – or – Hey NBC, Give Me a Job!

1. There’s no shame in not having a plan – Look, not every show can be Lost. You don’t have to know how it’s going to end and you don’t have to be foreshadowing plot points that won’t make sense for another four years. You don’t have to put Christian Shephard’s shoes in the first scene of the series, is what I’m saying. Think it through an arc at a time. This means no traveling into the future, because we’ve seen half-a-dozen futures that didn’t come to pass, but without any explanation as to why they didn’t. When you do that, it just makes it clear that you haven’t thought things through. Heck, most shows just get through an episode at a time. Plan out the story arc and go from there. If I had a dollar for every plot thread that was teased without follow-up, well, I’d be farting through silk, as they say. You don’t have to be the new Lost. Just work on being the old Heroes. You know, back when it was good.

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