
Fixing “Heroes” – or – Hey NBC, Give Me a Job!

2. Don’t be afraid to clean house – And I’m talking Season One characters, here. Some of them don’t work, or at least don’t deserve the amount of screen time that we get. Sure, I don’t care for the wholesale slaughter of promising later characters (Like the 12 escaped villains, of whom we only ever saw six.), but a lot of the negative reaction people have had to recent episodes has come from characters like Claire and Peter. Claire is unpleasant and selfish, while Peter is whiny and occasionally shockingly incompetent. These two could benefit from a good long break. In fact, I don’t want to hear the name “Petrelli” for at least 13 episodes, OK? “Save the cheerleader, save the world” was a darn good marketing campaign, but that was four years ago.

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