
Heroes 4-10 “Thanksgiving”

Isn’t he younger than Claire? So he’s in high school, right? How can you not get away from high school for a National Holiday? Claire finally agrees to come to dinner.

Then Bennet runs into Lauren, his ex-partner who got mindwiped and who we never heard of until three weeks ago, even though she would have been his partner during Season One. You guys, the continuity of this show is just falling apart around us. Anyway, they talk suggestively about yams, and if I never hear Bennet describe himself as a “big yam man” again, it’ll be too soon. She gives him advice on turkey, and it’s actually sort of cute to see Bennet be kind of smitten with her. He invites her to dinner, and she does that think where she acknowledges that she doesn’t have plans, but doesn’t actually answer. Chicks, man…

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