
Heroes 4-11 “The Fifth Stage”

Nathan and Peter stand out on the roof, which still manages to look like an indoor set. Apparently, it’s the building that Peter jumped off of back in Season One. The hospital? Really? Peter reminds Nathan of their past together, and Nathan seems a little fuzzy on the details. Nathan assures Peter again that it’s not really him. He’s only an illusion made up of retained memories. Nathan can’t hold it together anymore, and he starts talking like Sylar. He’s spasming trying to keep him in, as Peter tries to talk him down. And then, he jumps over the edge. Peter grabs his hand and tries to pull him up, by Nathan demands that he let him go. Nathan tells him to carry on and fight the good fight. Peter finally gets what’s happening here and lets go. He crashes to the ground, and then immediately gets up and walks away. It’s hard to tell from the angle, but it definitely looks like Sylar who gets up again. This scene was pretty well-done, but the fact that it was Nathan’s fifth death scene sort of robs it of its power. Plus, we all know that Pasdar’s not going to take this lying down. Tim Kring thinks he’s all clever by having Nathan actually ask to die, but Pasdar’s already waiting around the corner for him.

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