
Heroes 4-11 “The Fifth Stage”

Claire and Gretchen arrive at the carnival, guided by the compass. Oh, we’re keeping Gretchen in this story? Because, you know, it’s not like they already have a bunch of characters who are fighting for screen time as it is.

Angela shows up at the hospital where Peter works and lectures him about grief. She makes the point that Nathan is dead, and they have to stop fooling themselves. Peter’s not buying it, and we see that the Haitian has come for a visit at his request. Peter shakes his hand to copy his power, which shouldn’t work since being close to the Haitian would neutralize Peter’s own power to copy powers. Also, since the only thing preserving any semblance of Nathan intact is Sylar’s power of Object Memory, negating his powers doesn’t seem like a good idea. Wow, Peter’s plan is both poorly thought-out and creates a plot hole. It’s a bad plan on two levels!

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