
Heroes 4-6 “Strange Attractors”

Matt packs up to leave his apartment. He tells his wife it’s for her own good, since somebody else can control him. He tries to explain what he did to Sylar, and Sylar butts in and mocks him the whole time. Sylar is really funny in all of Matt’s scenes, by the way. Mrs. Parkman asks Matt to stay, while she’ll take the baby and hide out. In the next scene, Matt leaves a message with Mohinder. Yep, he’s pretending that Mohinder’s still on the show! Sylar taunts him some more and tells Matt that he can’t hold him off forever. Buy Sylar is showing obvious strain. To prove his point, Matt starts drinking. The more he drinks, the more Sylar starts to drift. Matt is excited to learn that he can keep Sylar at bay by getting wasted. Which is the excuse that I’ll be using from here on out.

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