
Heroes 4-6 “Strange Attractors”

We open with a sex scene, which is unusual for this show. Matt and his wife are going to town, and then suddenly Matt’s replaced by Sylar. Yep, even with Sylar returning to his own body, Matt is still haunted.

In Georgia, Jeremy (the boy with the Death Touch) is being detained by the police. Bennet tries to argue with the Sheriff, who’s not falling for any of his slick big-city logic. (By the by, the Sheriff is played by Raphael Sbarge, who voiced Deadman in Justice League, and why do I know that off the top of my head?) Bennet makes a mysterious phone call for help. It’s not mysterious for long, since the very next scene is Tracy driving into town. Bennet convinces her to pose as Jeremy’s aunt and spring him from the lock-up.

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