
Heroes 4-6 “Strange Attractors”

In LA, Sylar taunts Matt about the whole thing with his wife. Sylar is apparently much better at the loving than Matt is. Now, I’m still reading this as a Number Six thing, where this Sylar is totally in Matt’s head. If that’s the case then, man, Matt’s crazy.

Claire and the pledges wander through a slaughterhouse, and they find a clue written on the wall “What you find will help you survive, when we were found will keep you alive”. Oh great, the Riddler is helping with Pledge Week. The prettiest girl in the scene, who is neither Claire nor Gretchen, opens a locker and gets sprayed in the face with something blood-like. Claire happens to know that the sorority was founded in 1924, so they open locker 24 and find water bottles. The two other girls go off on their own.

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