LOST: Pre-Game for “The Package”

Hey, wait a minute! I came up with this just as I was typing the last paragraph. Remember when we saw Horace Goodspeed’s ghost? He had a bloody nose and was trapped in a time loop. Bloody nose on Lost always means that you’re unstuck in time. Or that you’re Benry and you got beat up yet again. We’ve discussed before that Horace may have been unstuck in time when he died. Now, it’s almost definite that he died in the Purge, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t being battered by the timestream by then. The poison gas just sealed the deal. What if a time-lost Horace, occasionally jumping into his early 70’s self in Ann Arbor, helped design the Dharma Initiative with his knowledge of the Dharma Initiative of the future? I don’t think it’s necessarily an important point, but it would be pretty awesome.

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