LOST: Pre-Game for “The End”

“Two kinds of stories: ‘Stranger comes to town’, and ‘Just trying to get home’. This one’s both.” — Larry Young, The Black Diamond
It’s hard to read that line from spunkybuddy Larry’s graphic novel without thinking of Lost. But there’s another line that strikes me, from the same book. It’s where I find myself now, beginning the final Pre-Game.
“They’ll figure it out, or they won’t, but our story’s over, and sometimes the big things clash and the little people don’t have any control over it.
And you know, as much as Lost has built on the idea of the war between light and dark, it turns out, it’s all about the little people. And thanks to “Across the Sea”, we know that Jacob and Smokey, rather than being primal forces or Christ figures, are really just a couple of guys who don’t have any more control over what’s happening to them than Hurley or Miles do.
We first heard Smokey in the pilot, though it was a good long time before we got a glimpse of him. Jacob, as an idea, was first named in Season Three. A monster and a god, though they turn out to be neither. They’re both men with unfortunate childhoods who make some bad decisions and had to live with them for longer than they ever thought possible. And while the cycle of the Island may continue, the story of those people is coming to its end.

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