LOST Pre-Game: “The Substitute”

What I want to mention, though, is the angel wrestling. After the divine bout, Jacob had a limp for the rest of his life. Leg injuries and the inability to walk are a frequent motif in Lost – Locke was in a wheelchair when he arrived on the Island. In the first season, he took some shrapnel to his leg after a failed attempt to open the Hatch. In Season Two, the Hatch went into lockdown mode and his leg is caught inside the big metal door. In Season Three, Benry shot him in the side, and he was unable to walk. In Season Five, Ethan shot him in the leg, and later he broke his leg falling down the hole. Besides that, Benry and Michael have both spent time in wheelchairs, and just this week, Jin got caught in a bear trap. I don’t know if we’re supposed to read anything into these injuries, or if it just demonstrates their dedication to incorporate a motif. Either way, it’s definitely worth noting.

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