LOST Pre-Game: “What Kate Does”

This is going to sound crazy, and you’ll probably all be making fun of me come May, but I’m going to go out on a limb here. What if something happens in Timeline X where the Lostaways need to make sure that the Island is never destroyed? Like, Desmond convinces them that this isn’t the world it’s supposed to be. And frankly, we know most of their lives are going to suck whether they’re in LA or on the Island, so it might not be a hard sell. What if two of the Lostaways end up in the 50’s where they defuse the Jughead bomb? And what if they die of radiation poisoning, and are left in the caves where they end up as a pair of skeletons? We could have a case with two alternate timelines creating one another. I’m not saying that’s where they’re going, but that would be the most awesomely complicated thing ever.

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