LOST Pre-Game: “What Kate Does”

Now, as noted before, the changes to the timeline don’t begin with the whole “not crashing” thing. Shannon never got on the plane, for example. There have been some videos online that indicate other differences going farther back in time, and I’ll try to round them up as the season goes on. But for now, we can focus on the known differences as broadcast. I didn’t think about this, but spunkybuddy Jackie points out that Michael and Walt don’t appear in the episode at all. Now, obviously Malcolm David Kelly can’t play a ten-year-old anymore, but we don’t see Michael either. If they wanted to make it clear those two were on the flight, we could see him and the back of a kid’s head. We go up and down the aisles a couple of times, and there’s no sign of Michael. I think it’s safe to say that that’s further evidence of a change to the timeline.

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