“Kind of makes you think, doesn’t it? Ilana. There she was – handpicked by Jacob, trained to come and protect you Candidates. No sooner does she tell you who you are, than she blows up. The Island was done with her. Makes me wonder what’s going to happen when it’s done with us.” – Benjamin ‘Benry’ Linus
I just want to mention a couple of quick things before the recap begins in earnest. First off, Hurley
and Kate are the only characters who’ve been mentioned by name in an episode title. And their names have each popped up in pairs of contrasting titles – “What Kate Did” / “What Kate Does” and “Everybody Hates Hugo” / “Everybody Loves Hugo”. This isn’t necessarily significant to anybody who’s not a title nerd, but I think it’s kind of neat.

Also, there’s a line of Lost Bobbleheads coming out this summer. I wasn’t initially going to collect them, because I don’t necessarily have the space or the money to collect yet another thing, though they’re pretty tempting. I mean, the first series is Faraday, Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert, and Dr. Marvin Candle. How do you pass that up? Anyway, they finally broke me when I saw a picture of the Claire Bobblehead. Yes, she is holding Pelt Baby. How could I not own that?
This episode had it all – appearances from former cast members, tragedy, humor, explosions, an ad for Dr. Pepper cans that look like Iron Man, and a Seinfeld reference. At least one nagging mystery is resolved, and I yelled multiple times. Can’t ask for much more than that.