LOST Revisited: 6-13 “The Last Recruit”

Back in our timeline, Island Tina Fey arrives at the camp. You know, she survived a Sayid attack, and now she’s approaching Look-a-Locke. It takes a lot to scare her. And remember, she’s a geophysicist by trade. Clearly, that’s the toughest of the earth sciences. The geophysicists rough up the regular geologists and take their lunch money all the time. She wants Desmond back, but of course she doesn’t refer to him by name so Jack and the rest have no idea the poor guy is even on the Island. And Widmore’s people have a rocket launcher trained on Look-a-Locke’s camp, just to prove they aren’t messing around. Island Tina Fey gives him a deadline of nightfall. Nice little turnaround there, since that’s the same deadline that the Lockelganger gave to Dogen and the Temple Dwellers.

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