LOST Revisited: 6-13 “The Last Recruit”

Timeline X! Claire is in an office building, headed for the adoption agency (on the 15th floor, of course) when Desmond finds her. You know, Desmond needs to find a way to approach single women that doesn’t make him seem like the creepiest guy alive. I’m surprised that Claire didn’t mace him right off. Anyway, he reminds her that adoption is irreversible (though as Jack X told Locke, “Nothing is irreversible”), and she might want to speak to a lawyer first. Good thing there’s a lawyer on the 15th floor who owes him a favor! And that lawyer is none other than Ilana! I was not expecting that. The whole time they’re in the elevator, I tried to think of any lawyers in the cast and came up blank. Also, when Desmond checks in he gives her name as “Miss Lobanski”, or something of that nature – it was hard to make out. The point is, Zuleikha Robinson (who plays Ilana) gave an interview about a month ago where she said her character’s last name was Radzinsky. You know, of “They saw my model!!!” fame. Close, but not quite. Hee. I’ve been spending weeks trying to figure out how a family tree includes both her and ol’ Crazy Pants.

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